Zapraszamy do skorzystania z  promocji, która obowiązuje od 1.02.2025 do 10.03.2025. 

The promotion applies to 1h and 2h of massage with aromatic oil or hot coconut oil.  

During this period you will pay 190 zł for 1h any oil massage (regular price 210-220 zł)  

For a two-hour any oil massage you will pay 290 zł (regular price 310-320 zł)


The promotion applies to massages performed during this period in our salon at Długa 14/2a in Poznań and to the invitations purchased on our website under the tab "buy an invitation" or invitations purchased in the salon. Invitations are valid for 3 months from the date of purchase

Please visit 

For enquiries and bookings, call: +48 510 404 504


Have you bought an online invitation and not received an email? In the first instance please check your spam box (junk mail). Sometimes our emails go there. Invitations are automatically sent after payment has been made. If you have any problems, please send us an email ( with the name of the buyer and the date of purchase and we will send you a copy again.  


*form of payment for invitations is cash, credit card, bank transfer or transfer24




If you notice symptoms of illness such as persistent cough, malaise, difficulty breathing, please cancel or reschedule your appointment.

Please come to appointments 5 minutes before the agreed appointment time. 

We strive to create the safest possible environment for our clients and staff in view of the situation around us. However, if you still do not feel comfortable using our services, we suggest postponing your visit to a later date. Do not worry about the expiry date of your invitation or pass. We will accept them at a later date. 


In most cases, Thai massage is a safe treatment. People who are affected by any of the following should not undergo massage.
- The consumption of alcohol before the massage is not recommended.
- A meal should be consumed at the latest one and a half hours before the massage.  

Contraindications to massage:
- all conditions with a high body temperature (above 38° C), acute and subacute inflammatory conditions,
- skin discontinuity, early period after fractures, sprains and dislocations (in such cases individual healthy joints may be massaged)
- all kinds of dermatological lesions,
- scars, bruises, skin inflammations, varicose veins (in such cases, only healthy parts of the body may be massaged)
- allergies to cosmetics used in massage,
- haemorrhages or a tendency to their occurrence,
- Uncompensated heart defects, aneurysms, fresh blood clots, fresh myocardial infarction,
- malignant and non-malignant tumours,
- post-traumatic strokes in joints and muscles (up to 3 days after the injury)
- phlebitis
- osteomyelitis with fistulas,
- core cavernosity,
- the period of the first trimester and the last month of pregnancy,
- the entire period of pregnancy with complications,
- all cases requiring surgical intervention,
- people after surgery (massage can be given 12 months after surgery if it was major and 6 months after a minor one if the scars are well healed)
- peptic ulcer disease with bleeding,
- liver and kidney stones.